The HCS System Notebook is a sophisticated piece of software for bridge players who want to document their system and/or practice bidding. Whether you are a keen beginner or a world-class expert, this software will help you improve this vital part of your game.HCS System Notebook
Organize your system notes to suit your needs - e.g. you might put all the strong bids in one chapter, or you might want all the bids at the 2-level together, strong and weak combined. Choose what information to print about each call (included or excluded honors, controls, HCP, distributions, etc.). You may choose to print headers and footers, the date and time, and page numbers. You can select bids and save them in a group, and then select the group later to save time when re-printing.
You can generate practice hands for one or more calls in your system - excellent for areas of your system where you (or your partner!) have problems remembering, or for sequences that don't come up very often.
For example:You can generate 30 practice hands for this sequence in 5 seconds!
1C 16+ HCP 1D 0-9 HCP, 0-2 controls 1H 19+, asks 2C 2 controls 2S natural 3S 3+ spades
Print the hands you have generated, or save them in a file and print them later. West hands print on one page, East hands on another, ready for bidding. More experienced players can print practice hands and discuss with their partner which bids are too strong or too weak for a given bid. This is an excellent way of making sure you are on the same wavelength as your partner.
The software comes with:
$ 74.95 U.S., plus shipping, and taxes if applicable. For orders to the U.S. or Canada we take personal checks and checks and money orders in U.S.$. If you buy HCS System Notebook, you can add HCS CCEditor to your order for $ 12.00 instead of the regular price of $ 19.95.
Outside the U.S. and Canada we take certified checks and money orders in U.S. dollars.How to order, including ordering on-line.
You can download a detailed description of the HCS System Notebook by clicking on the item below. This is implemented as a Windows Help File. You need to have access to PKUNZIP, and unzip this file after downloading. Then simply view it as you would any other help file.
Download HCS-USA System Notebook Detailed Description
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