The Bridge World System Notebook Review
The HCS System Notebook usefully combines two major functions
of interest to serious bidders. These capabilities are often packaged
Players who maintain one or more regular partnerships may find the combination
especially convenient.
As the product name suggests, the main purpose of the program is to
enable the user easily to record, modify and print sets of partnership
agreements. The product's strength is that it makes these processes
easy and efficient. Special attention is paid to matters of interest
to tournament players (such as recording which agreements are Alertable
in different contexts).
Supporting the system-recording features is a deal generator, which enables you
to product layouts (for partnership practice or self-study) that match
your system, or part of it, or what you may specify in terms of suit lengths,
HCP totals, controls or honor holdings.
The linkage is very helpful for running experiments and for augmenting
different system possibilities with examples.
The paper documentation is skimpy, but, as with virtually all modern
software, help is on-screen. Starting with the on-line tutorial should mitigate
most problems, even for members of generations old enough to remember
printed instruction manuals.
Jeff Rubens
The Bridge World
November, 1998, page 17.
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